I first met the team at Afrikids about 10 years ago. They are a really personal group and you can see the difference your donation makes. They have made an extraordinary impact, especially for children in Africa. I love their focus on helping children get an education, giving women the chance to start their own business and they even have a mission to close their own charity!
Yes, that's right, AfriKids want to help the community in Ghana become self-sustaining, so that they don't need charity donations anymore. Wow. With our help they can make this happen.
So I'm going to put myself through 26.2 miles of pain, to help put big smiles on little faces.
The last few months of training have been tricky! I've suffered back pain, hip damage, swollen feet, had to get an x-ray, and barely been able to walk. But I love the work that AfriKids do enough to make it to the finish, even if I have to crawl there!
Check out their charity, donate if you can, and if you can come and cheer on the day! I feel profoundly moved by the idea of being surrounded by 40,000 people running for a cause they believe in, I'm sure you will too!
If you want to donate, here is the difference you can make to someone's life...
£20 will give a child in foster care food and living supplies for a week
£50 will give a week’s evening classes for around 60 street children
£100 will give a loan to a woman looking to expand her business through AfriKids’ microfinance programme
£500 organises workshops on ending child labour and early and forced marriage
£1,000 will give the Maternal and Reproductive Unit at the AfriKids Medical Centre, which delivers over 500 babies a year, with supplies and midwife care for a month
As Afrikids are a small personal charity, you know that all of your money goes to the right place too, that's why I think they are amazing.