The Muslim Scout Fellowship has offered to fund a Muslim place of worship in the traditional home of scouting. The Scout Association has enthusiastically supported the project and has authorized the building of a mosque within the Gilwell Park estate. The Muslim Scout Fellowship is entrusted with this project and the maintenance of the mosque once built.
Gilwell Park is considered to be the traditional home for all 26 million scouts worldwide. Gilwell is situated on the edge of the picturesque Epping Forest, yet is within easy traveling distance from central London. It was purchased in 1919 by the UK Scout Association and is the headquarters for the UK Scout Association. It is also a renowned training centre and a famous international Scout campsite.
Thousands of people visit Gilwell Park every year from all over the world either to undergo leadership training, camp in its grounds, or visit the Headquarters. Gilwell is home to different faith facilities; it has both Catholic and Anglican places of worship, an outdoor chapel, a Buddhist temple and a Jewish synagogue. These different places of worship prove that scouting is a multi- faith organization. However, a Muslim place of worship is conspicuous by its absence.
To cater for the ever increasing number of Muslim scouts in the UK, a mosque, (the Muslim place of worship) is needed at the campsite to facilitate prayer. Having a Muslim place of worship would also demonstrate further the diversity of UK scouting. Such a message of diversity would be an international one as the campsite is visited by scouts from around the world. It would also send a clear message to the Muslim community that scouting is open to everyone and caters for the needs of all faith groups.
Work must start ASAP, and we need your support to fund this noble cause.
In summary the building will be managed and maintained using the same approach as for the existing buildings of faith that surround it. Its day to day activities will be no different than the existing buildings of faith in providing a place of education for all young people to better understand the range of world religions thereby building tolerance and understanding, as well as providing a place of prayer for Muslims.
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