About Upbeat Heart Support Group
Upbeat is a voluntary, self financing local charity for patients with heart and related illnesses. It was established as a self help group twenty one years ago with the aims and ideals of mutual support and help, coupled with professional expertise, to help patients overcome and get through the emotional and medical trauma of a life threatening occurrence and to assist them on the road to recovery and back to a normal way of life as possible.
We offer support and exercise facilities to patients and carers in a reassuring environment weekly, at three centres in Bury St. Edmunds and Sudbury. A highly trained cardiac nurse and British Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation exercise instructors are in attendance at all sessions.
We provide a full and varied programme of social activities and trips and members enjoy the friendship and self help achieved by talking and socialising with other members over a cup of tea or coffee at our sessions or on dedicated trips to the theatre or river trips etc.
We are not funded by the NHS or British Heart Foundation and most of our financial income is derived from donations from members and supporters, collections, fund raising activities and the very occasional grant. This has all been administered by a small unpaid volunteer committee, most of whom have coronary heart disease.
Thank you for your support and kind donations.
Upbeat Heart Support Group Registered charity number 1087415