My Dad, Cliff, was diagnosed with a form of Leukaemia last year and became very ill quite quickly. My incredible Mam looked after him at home through several difficult months, but when his condition deteriorated in the very final stages he was lucky enough to secure a place in Stockton's Butterwick Hospice.
The care he received there gave him peace and my family some comfort that he was in good hands. We felt very privileged to be able to benefit from the warm, professional support that the team gave, so this is my small thank-you.
Butterwick Hospice Care would not exist without fundraising support. After my family's experience, I would hope many more people would be able to see their loved ones living with life-limiting conditions get the benefit of their excellent care.
Let's dance, shall we? Sunday 15th May, 2-5pm. Allertonshire School West Hall (the one with the stage). Suggested entry donation: £10, but pay as you feel, nobody refused entry for lack of funds.