Raise more money for your charity in London Marathon 2025
Plan, personalise, and promote a winning London Marathon fundraising campaign to raise more money and reach more people in 2025.
Everything you need for a successful London Marathon fundraising campaign.
In 2024, London Marathon charities using JustGiving raised a record-breaking £41m (and counting). Discover the proven fundraising strategies, tips, and tools helping tens of thousands of charities succeed in London Marathon. Download your copy today.
Inside the guide…
How to set the right fundraising targets for your charity
The proven timeline to maximise your fundraising at every time of the year
Designing the perfect Campaign Page for more fundraising and donations
Converting runners into fundraisers as fast as possible
How to build and maintain fundraising momentum to race day
Inspiration from real charity events and campaigns
And much more!
Ready to smash your 2025 London Marathon goals? Get the guide now.