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Happy Child International's Girls & Babies Project rescues, cares for and provides a safe environment for 12 young girls & their babies. These young teenagers are being sexually exploited on the streets in Brazil resulting in pregnancies as young as 12 years old. Please help us to rescue more.
Happy Child International Registered charity number 1116809
"Jenny Sullivan spoke to us in Church. May God bless your work"
Anonymous donated
"Love nan and alex golder (lynn miller) parents xxx with much love to you all Xxx"
£60.00 + £15.00 Gift Aid
"Love nan and alex golder ( lynn miller ) parents with much love xx"
£40.00 + £10.00 Gift Aid
"To mum and baby home for supplies all my love lynn miller xxx"
£300.00 + £75.00 Gift Aid
"Be blessed mum and baby home Receife xx"
Lynn Miller donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"Young Athletes Club"
Alan Byrne donated
£90.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Happy Child International has raised $48,082.12 so far
I'm Become a Guardian of the Foundation for Happy Child International because children need protecting from sexual exploitation
Happy Child International has raised $2,021.49 so far
I'm supporting It's a Penalty Campaign for Happy Child International because the sexual exploitation of children must stop.
Sysdoc UK has raised $612.29 so far
Join us in raising money for #ItsAPenalty 2016
Rayvine Saks has raised $355.91 so far
Rayvine's "JustWalk" Challenge page
Juraci Didone has raised $258.84 so far *Mission to rescue children from streets in Brazil
Rachel Dalton has raised $181.19 so far
I'm raising money for Rachel Dalton because they do amazing work for kids in great need!